We are in the process of identifying partners who share our core values and
who will bring their own viewpoints and areas of expertise to our initiatives
who will bring their own viewpoints and areas of expertise to our initiatives
FLOURISH PROJECT strategic partnerSThese are organisations who we have actively collaborated with us over our early development period to help further our thinking and programmes.
Through the pioneering work of its founder, Richard Barrett, the Barrett Values Centre has spent thirty years exploring the meaning and impact of Values - for individuals, organisations and communities. The core products of the organisation are the Cultural Transformation Tools® which have been used to map the values of over 6,000 organisations and 3,000 leaders in 94 countries. The tools are used by corporations, NGOs, government and municipal agencies, communities, schools and nations. The CTT values assessment instruments are available in over 50 languages.
Human Values Centre
www.humanvaluescenter.org The mission of the Human Values Center is to provide organizations with holistic values-based evaluation and training to create intentional, measurable and values-driven behavioral and cultural transformation. Values Based Education
www.valuesbasededucation.com ![]() Values-based Education (VbE) is a successful worldwide transformational movement for positive change.
Now reaching over 1 million students, Values-based Education inspires children, young people and adults to adopt and live positive human values. VbE transforms the school into exceptional environments for teaching and learning.The focus on ethical and emotional intelligence, deepened relationships, social cohesion and a strong values-culture give students the best chance of academic success. |
Thoughtbox Education
www.thoughtboxeducation.com Building Empathy in Every Classroom ThoughtBox programmes help pupils to think more critically about the present and the future, engaging with their thoughts and feelings and developing a more reflective kind of self-awareness. |
flourish project aligned partners
These are organisations whose work in the world is very aligned with ours
Humanity Awareness Initiative
www.humanityawarenessinitiative.org The Humanity Awareness Initiative (HAI) is a global education and training movement, designed to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness and societal wellbeing. Charter for Compassion
www.charterforcompassion.org Our mission is to promote and cultivate the principle of compassion and the Compassionate Way of Life, as articulated by theCharter for Compassion, so that compassion characterizes
all human society and all relationships. Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. We research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental in the work to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. |
The Harmony Project
www.theharmonyproject.org.uk Harmony is a new way of looking at our world and The Harmony Project explores Nature's principles of Harmony and how they can be applied in practice. The Project seeks to establish a deeper understanding of Harmony and a global community of Harmony Practitioners.
Montessori Europe
https://montessori-europe.net It is Montessori Europe’s mission to be a hub for Montessori education in Europe. Montessori Europe organizes networking, collaboration, exchange and mutual support for its members. Reboot the Future
www.rebootthefuture.org Reboot the Future seeks to create a compassionate and sustainable world, by promoting the Golden Rule. |