There are actually four different sorts of memory that inform who we are, with most unconsciously impacting our development and growth (Jung called this the 'Collective Unconscious'. ) But underneath all of these is a creative intelligence that is always trying to bring us into a sense of balance and wholeness.
Evolutionary Memory (Unconscious)
The fact that we are a specific species and carry with us all the biological survival information that has been steadily built up since the first humans existed. Epigenetic Memory (Unconscious) The biological information that we carry forward from the environmental experiences of our own direct ancestors. For example we now know that if grandparents lived through a period of famine, their grandchildren are more likely to experience eating disorders. Genetic Memory (Unconscious) The biological information that we carry forward from our own parents and that is then moulded by our unique personal environmental environmental experiences. We know that genes can be turned on and off depending on the nature of these experiences. Intellectual Memory (Conscious) The neurological structures and connections that are shaped by our unique environmental experiences. |