We all begin our lives with basic human needs that then shape what we want and value – our motivations and behaviours stem from having our needs met (or not) and our values are a reflection of these needs. These needs include: Security, Relationship. Independence, Engagement, Fulfilment, Contribution and Growth. Human feelings and thoughts are how we shape our beliefs and values – and in the early years these are created by our genetic make-up and the neurological pathways that we lay down in response to our life experience i.e. Nature and Nurture What’s totally amazing is that no one person that has ever lived has been the same as any other – so we are all absolutely unique and nobody else will experience the world in quite the same way as we do As we grow we start to create a layer of beliefs about the way the world works that shape our worldviews and that impact our natural development - these become our personal mindsets and the lenses through which interpret everything that happens to us. Depending on our experiences we learn to prioritise and value some needs over others and develop our core life skills in worlds that are very different. If the environments that we grow up in are positive and nurturing we develop healthy mindsets and are able to maximise our natural development and potential in line with our innate dispositions – which helps us to grow up as happy, healthy and fulfilled adults. But if we grow up in difficult or stressful environments our natural development is sacrificed and we adopt limiting belief and value systems that help us to survive, but that compromise our ability to become happy, healthy adults. Adverse Childhood Experience (ACES) are the single most important factor for later health, wellbeing and achievement. Read more If we want to create a more meaningful and peaceful world we need to help children develop the values and belief systems for a strong and sustainable future, rather than repeating the patterns of the past. And the only way to do this is for the adults in their worlds to look after their own wellbeing, values and beliefs. |