All living things contain a dynamic life energy that is expressed by input, throughout and output and we perform best (are in a flow state) when these are all in balance.
Plants and animals have innate biological instincts and intuitions that draw them to exactly the right things they need to grow, but humans have evolved with the free will to choose for themselves what they want from the environment.
INPUT - BRINGING ENERGY INTO OUR SYSTEM Clean air and water, access to the natural world, eating well, feeling safe, physical exercise and play, adequate rest and reflection, having good relationships and being able to spend time learning about the world and the other people that you share it with
THROUGHPUT - EFFICIENTLY PROCESSING ALL THE ITEMS THAT ENTER OUR SYSTEM Air, water, food and all the bodily and psychological information that we receive about the world we are living in and that help us develop our own understanding, skills and abilities
OUTPUT - REMOVING ALL THE ITEMS THAT NO LONGER SERVE US AND SHARING OUR ONGOING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING WITH OTHERS Letting go of waste products / old information and communicating / being able to express our unique skills, experiences, feelings and thoughts with others