We know that the most important time to underpin our wellbeing is the early years. The first seven years of life shape how we see the world and the experiences that we have then either make us happy, confident, risk-taking learners or more passive and cautious rule followers.
Learning actually starts in the womb! So how young parents (and especially mums) feel about themselves and their lives really effects how babies develop. The happiness and wellbeing of parents matters. What kind of life do you want? What are your gifts? What makes your heart sing? All these things really matter for lives of happiness, meaning and purpose. Read more |
"It is easier (and cheaper) to create strong, happy and resilient children than it is to mend struggling, unhappy
and broken adults. It is estimated that every £1 spent on early childhood (especially for disadvantaged children) will yield between a 10 and 13% return)." |